Anagada is a very low island that appears over the horizon as you sail north from North Sound, Virgin Gorda.
Anegada was amazing. The most isolated and least populated of th BVi islands. We rented a truck for the day to tour and... amazing...
We went around the island and saw the endangered iguana exhibit (very low tech) as well as several beautiful beaches.
This is "Flash of Beauty" cafe at Loblolly Beach.
This is the view from "Cow Wreck" beach, which is one of our favorite of the whole trip. We had the beach to ourselves. And a really nice family ran the restaurant with kids hanging out.
The restaurant at Cow Wreck Beach.
Here is a picture of our lobster dinner, and carnage below... Each person got a 2lb lobster and there was family style salad, rice, ginger beer.
We started at a table with the stars overhead and sand beneath our feet. Then a rain storm blew through and we moved to under the outside patio.
Before dinner Charlie and Dylan were invited to play "Man Hunt" by some local kids, Lowel on the left, is the grandson of the restaurant/hotel ower, who was a lovely British ex-pat who's firt job out of college was working at the hotel, fell in love with the owner, and married and raised here family on Anagada. The Man Hunters are below...
' Since Man Hunt is a version of "hide and seek" there was a lot of scampering around as the twilight turned to night, and much laughing, screaming, and chasing ensued.
Farewells all around with the local kids asking with Dyl and Char would be back, and being very sad when they said "not very soon"... heavy hearts.
Then back to the boat for the night...
I love the name Anegada. I also think it wonderful that you found a bunch of friendly locals that were ready to play. Foreign friends make very special memories.